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Souroti Sparkling Water 750ml

Souroti Sparkling Water 750ml

SOUROTI Natural Carbonated Mineral Water

Water unaltered through time!

The water springs directly from under the ground and it contains approximately 1000 mg/l of dissolved solids and minerals making it one of the richest mineral waters in the world.

One litre of SOUROTI water covers approximately one-fifth of the daily needs in calcium and approximately one-sixth of the daily needs in magnesium of an adult person.

The water is an excellent digestive, particularly refreshing, and it helps regulate the functions of the digestive and urinary systems.

It is rich in bicarbonates, in beneficial minerals and trace elements (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, lithium) which are all as necessary as vitamins to maintain good physical health and a fit body.

A water unique, incomparable and beloved!

Weight: 750ml

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